Guiyuan Liu 刘贵源

Guiyuan Liu 刘贵源

Graduation year: 2024
To: Xiaomi

Zhengzhou University

Nickname: WAWA鱼
Hometown: Henan
Company: Xiaomi
Position: C++ Browser Kernel(Webkit) Development Engineer
Job: Responsible for the kernel development of browser, search, content center and some software on Xiaomi mobile phones, tablets and some terminal devices.
QQ: 8750791562
Phone number: 18303756676
Want to say: If lower grades have any confusion in your studies, work, life, etc., welcome to chat with me anytime. I have stepped into many pitfalls during my college years, so I can offer some advice based on myself.In addition, if lower grades don’t know how to find a job, can also come to me. I have done many job sharing sessions and provided resume guidance to some people.Finally, if any students want to join Xiaomi, please feel free to contact me anytime~